Share recources of 2 projects

Message boards : Number crunching : Share recources of 2 projects
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Message 2005131 - Posted: 1 Aug 2019, 10:58:12 UTC - in response to Message 2005130.  
Last modified: 1 Aug 2019, 10:59:36 UTC

I have a question: I am taking part in 2 projects: SETI @ home and Rosetta @ home. I would like to dedicate 80% of my CPU to SETI @ home and 20% to Rosetta @ home. To do this, i go to preferences of every projects and set at the first voice " Resource allocation ": 80 at SETI@home and 20 at Rosetta@home.

It's correct?
Using 800 & 200 would give the same result- it's the ratio between the values for the projects that determines the work share allocation between the different projects.

Keep in mind that many of Seti's Work Units have different runtimes (and for a newly added system it can take a while for the Estimated processing times to settle to around their actual processing times), and they produce differing amounts of Credit. Combined with any differing runtimes for Rosetta work, the size of your work cache, and the amount of time your system is on, and BOINC is processing work, it can take quite a while for the Manager to actually honour your resource share settings.
The smaller your cache, the sooner it can honour those settings; the larger the cache, the longer it will take. And the more projects you process, the longer it will take.
Darwin NT
ID: 2005131 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Number crunching : Share recources of 2 projects

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SETI@home and Astropulse are funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NASA, and donations from SETI@home volunteers. AstroPulse is funded in part by the NSF through grant AST-0307956.