Two questions related to SETI

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Profile George Project Donor
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Message 2006371 - Posted: 8 Aug 2019, 20:32:16 UTC
Last modified: 8 Aug 2019, 20:41:19 UTC

1) I have a new message that popped up when I rebooted ( I have not rebooted for about 1 week). It says:

Component FLSHTRAY.OCX or one of it's dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.

It has a large red "X" in front of the message, and an "okay" box on the lower right.

Sorry, I don't know how to correctly display an image from my computer to the web without having an URL for a website.

I don't know what it is or what it's about, nor when it may have first appeared. And I don't know what I did to cause it. Anyone?

2) In the <client_state.xml> file under <coproc_cuda> what is <warpSize>32</warpSize>?

I first thought it was kind of funny (thinking back to the Star Trek days), but then I realized it was in the <client_state.xml> file for a reason. Would this relate to running under a 32 bit vs a 64 bit system in Windows 10?

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Richard Haselgrove Project Donor
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Message 2006376 - Posted: 8 Aug 2019, 20:56:31 UTC - in response to Message 2006371.  

A couple of quick pastes into search engines reveals that SETIWatch is a third-party add-on program, dating from about 1999. According to message 1800144, it was written by Mark Loukko.

SETIWatch is not included in vanilla-standard installations of either SETI or BOINC. I can only assume that at some point in the dim and distant past, either you, or somebody else with access to your machine, chose to install it.
ID: 2006376 · Report as offensive
Profile George Project Donor
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Message 2006377 - Posted: 8 Aug 2019, 21:07:29 UTC - in response to Message 2006376.  

Thanks Richard. In my hasty needs I neglected to check the search engines, and I also neglected to check the files in Control Panel under Programs and Features where I found the SETIWatch and deleted it. DOH!

ID: 2006377 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Number crunching : Two questions related to SETI

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