In the "client_state.xml" file under "coproc_cuda" what is "warpSize 32 /warpSize"?

Message boards : Number crunching : In the "client_state.xml" file under "coproc_cuda" what is "warpSize 32 /warpSize"?
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Profile George Project Donor
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Message 2006683 - Posted: 10 Aug 2019, 15:41:28 UTC

I first thought it was kind of funny (thinking back to the Star Trek days), but then I realized it was in the <client_state.xml> file for a reason. Would this relate to running under a 32 bit vs a 64 bit system in Windows 10? Is it only in my file?

This question was included in another post but it may have been over looked.

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Profile Keith Myers Special Project $250 donor
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Message 2006695 - Posted: 10 Aug 2019, 18:34:09 UTC - in response to Message 2006683.  

I first thought it was kind of funny (thinking back to the Star Trek days), but then I realized it was in the <client_state.xml> file for a reason. Would this relate to running under a 32 bit vs a 64 bit system in Windows 10? Is it only in my file?

This question was included in another post but it may have been over looked.

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ID: 2006695 · Report as offensive
Profile George Project Donor
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Message 2006746 - Posted: 11 Aug 2019, 3:38:55 UTC - in response to Message 2006695.  

Thank you Keith. Once again you're to my rescue from being a bit too curious. I sort of understood the answers, but that's okay. At least I know that "warp size 32" is a real thing, at least in the land of computers.

ID: 2006746 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Number crunching : In the "client_state.xml" file under "coproc_cuda" what is "warpSize 32 /warpSize"?

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