Nvidia Cuda Errors

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Message 2007140 - Posted: 13 Aug 2019, 8:00:51 UTC

So i'm getting the errors pictured in the attached image below.

System is This one

Now it's a Dell XPS M1730 and I know the video drivers are ancient/upgraded as much as they can. It's a gaming laptop and still runs Fallout New Vegas quite well. However, it seems to be falling flat on the seti units as pictured.

[2] NVIDIA GeForce 8700M GT (256MB) driver: 327.02 is the video card. Also, the "2" part comes from the fact it has the Nvidia card, and also a Ageia PhysX Processor in it.

My question is, will there be any issues running this with seti? It keeps trying to run processes on the video cards it sees, but only one is actually running and the others keep entering fail states. I'll just ignore it frankly, but don't want it being the cause of serious errors and bogus data.

If it will cause serious data quality errors, i'll gladly ditch those problematic ones and cycle out the rest of the CPU tasks. Just was curious what a older system would do since it was powerful at one point.


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Message 2007141 - Posted: 13 Aug 2019, 8:11:16 UTC - in response to Message 2007140.  
Last modified: 13 Aug 2019, 8:13:45 UTC

8700M GT (256MB)

I'm not sure what the minimum memory requirement is, but I think there's a good chance that's it. With the system using some for display purposes, it wouldn't leave much memory available for crunching.
That aside, a GPU of that vintage would take a long, long time to finish a WU. And given you only have a 2 core CPU, it would take a lot of it's resources just to support the GPU.

looking at Seti's minimum specs, 256MB is meant to be enough. But i'm not sure how long ago they were updated- there have been a few application revisions since Seti first supported GPU crunching.
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Profile Raistmer
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Message 2007142 - Posted: 13 Aug 2019, 9:02:00 UTC - in response to Message 2007140.  

Try to use CUDA 3.2 app instead of current one.
It has lower memory requirements and most probably will provide better performance also.
CUDA42 was slowest for almost all NV-based systems I used.
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ID: 2007142 · Report as offensive
Profile mohavewolfpup

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Message 2007199 - Posted: 13 Aug 2019, 21:10:32 UTC - in response to Message 2007142.  

Thanks for the tip. I'll just cycle out the work units on this and then put it into retirement. A Lenovo beater laptop here does 4 units and then some in the time it takes this one to process units.

Don't want any bad data coming out of it either if something isn't fully right. Just was more curious how it did compared to more modern systems here and pretty much have the answer. Fallout unit it stays as!
Historian for the Defunct Riviera Hotel and Casino, Former Classic Seti@home user for Team Art Bell. Greetings from the High Desert!
ID: 2007199 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Number crunching : Nvidia Cuda Errors

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