Is there an application repository?

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Message 2009203 - Posted: 25 Aug 2019, 14:54:17 UTC

I have been looking for a place to download some of the applications from here as well as the equivalent beta page, but I cannot find a repository of the actual exe's and such, only a list of their common names which is not helpful on duckduckgo or google

Btw why does the existing list of names not fully show which app has what type of instruction set? it would be great if each one had an "x" or a check mark next to things like sse3 neon sse4.1 etc. i see a few of them mention what i ask but most do not. Would this be difficult to implement?
ID: 2009203 · Report as offensive
rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2009214 - Posted: 25 Aug 2019, 15:52:51 UTC

Beta applications are only released when there is something to test, and those applications may be intended to correctly produce errors so that changes to the server software can be monitored.
For the "main" there either the "correct" application as delivered automatically by the servers (not many of them for any given operating system) or you have to move to the "anonymous" applications, most of which are optimised for particular operating system/hardware combinations - the place to look for these is "the lunatics" and dig around to find the applications for the operating system and hardware combination of your choice.

Just now, this computer is running one application:

So let's decode it:
MB8 - this is the type of data it is designed to process (there are two types "MultiBand" and "AstroPulse" - they require different applications
win_x64 - this is a 64 bit Windows application
SSE3 - this application was built with the SSE3 extensions
VS2008 - this application was built using Visual Studio 2008
r3330 - the exact build number of this version (this does not mean there have been 3329 build prior to this one as developers will often skip up a block when putting in a major change)

How difficult to get a consistent nomenclature? - Theoretically "quite simple", but in practice "quite hard", particularly when considering the anonymous applications as these have been developed by volunteers, some of whom are no longer around, and some like their independence too much.....
Bob Smith
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ID: 2009214 · Report as offensive
Profile Gary Charpentier Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2009261 - Posted: 25 Aug 2019, 22:00:18 UTC - in response to Message 2009203.  

I have been looking for a place to download some of the applications from here as well as the equivalent beta page, but I cannot find a repository of the actual exe's and such, only a list of their common names which is not helpful on duckduckgo or google

Btw why does the existing list of names not fully show which app has what type of instruction set? it would be great if each one had an "x" or a check mark next to things like sse3 neon sse4.1 etc. i see a few of them mention what i ask but most do not. Would this be difficult to implement?

Start here, may not be current.
ID: 2009261 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Number crunching : Is there an application repository?

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