Clent/Server model in processing

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Message 2017684 - Posted: 3 Nov 2019, 12:22:50 UTC

"Several" years ago I was reading about "the client server" model where all the app processing ran on the local workstation but it accessed the database over the network. It sent a very small packet over the network and received an answer for the request.

As I remember it, the Nebula data analyzer requires "full access" to all the data in order to do it's analysis. Assuming we are not talking about giant in memory matrix manipulations shouldn't it be possible to do this processing using the internet and the giant network of participants?

I understand this would require significant design and programming and possibly even a different SQL dbms. So I am talking "in theory" here because I don't see the money/human resources coming in to do this.

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Message 2017691 - Posted: 3 Nov 2019, 12:42:54 UTC - in response to Message 2017684.  

Good idea.

At the moment, I believe Dr A is already doing that in a way by using the Einstein @ home Atlas (?) cluster.

Perhaps when he's developed his search ideas further there may be a benefit to distribute the processing.

Until then, what Nebula needs to be is an exploration and a search in itself.

Hey! Is that called research??!

Keep searchin',
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Message boards : Number crunching : Clent/Server model in processing

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