Computation Errors SETI@home v8 v8.22 (opencl_nvidia_SoG) windows_intelx8

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Profile archeye
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Message 2017969 - Posted: 6 Nov 2019, 8:31:32 UTC

Hi, so I have been crunching a lot of late and only recently in the last 3 weeks or so did I start to see some being flagged as "computation error".

When I looked at my tasks page last weekend I saw the count of these failed tasks was 35.

By removing other projects and only crunching Seti I was able to see there was no other project influencing this as I continued to get the computation error status on tasks.

I have 2 x Nvidia GTX 980 and each of these v8 tasks needs about 3.5 mins runtime so I have crunched a lot of them.

There are 2 side effects of running v8 tasks that I now notice on my computer,

A. Both my screens can go black although the pc seems to be running ok (I was watching Netflix 1 time and although the screens were black I could still hear the sound).

B. My PC crashes and restarts (seen this 2 times).

So my questions are,

1. Does "computation error" indicate a failure from my GPU or is it generated by the task being processed.

2. Is there a way to check my GPU's are functionally sound for processing Boinc tasks.

For now I have disabled GPU processing in preferences and in fact have aborted the few remaining tasks and set Seti to "no new tasks" so I can evaluate my GPU/pc behaviour for a week or so.
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Profile Wiggo

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Message 2017971 - Posted: 6 Nov 2019, 8:44:52 UTC

It's the GPU driver that you are currently using so revert back to the 431.60 driver until Nvidia can pin down the problem.

There's a sticky thread at the top of the forum about it. ;-)

ID: 2017971 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Number crunching : Computation Errors SETI@home v8 v8.22 (opencl_nvidia_SoG) windows_intelx8

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