Order of Tasks

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Steven Gaber

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Message 2019636 - Posted: 19 Nov 2019, 7:37:19 UTC

My computer now has 61 S@H tasks, including 3 Astropulse tasks. Several are due between December 7-10 only 18 days away, but many are due as late as January 27. two sand a half months away.

One would think that BOINC would automatically schedule crunching of the tasks due soonest, rather than those due months in the future.

But that is not the case. The computer is working on three tasks, two due January 8 and one due January 9.

Why is that? Why wouldn't it work the December tasks before the January ones? Can I set it up to run the tasks due sooner before ones due later?

If you choose to answer, please tell me in simple terms. I'm an archaeo-nerd, not a techno-nerd.

Steve Gaber
Oldsmar, FL
ID: 2019636 · Report as offensive
Profile Bernie Vine
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Message 2019637 - Posted: 19 Nov 2019, 7:44:32 UTC

Very simply "First in First out" Boinc processes the tasks in the order they were received. However it does monitor the dates and if any tasks appear to be getting too close to deadline then those task will be run out of sequence to make sure they finish on time.
ID: 2019637 · Report as offensive
Steven Gaber

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Message 2020238 - Posted: 23 Nov 2019, 8:35:14 UTC - in response to Message 2019637.  

Very simply "First in First out" Boinc processes the tasks in the order they were received. However it does monitor the dates and if any tasks appear to be getting too close to deadline then those task will be run out of sequence to make sure they finish on time.

That's good to know. Thanks, Bernie.

Steve Gaber
Oldsmar, FL
ID: 2020238 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Number crunching : Order of Tasks

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