Wacky average credit computations

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Profile Johann Project Donor

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Message 2025474 - Posted: 29 Dec 2019, 18:01:17 UTC

I have been running BOINC/Seti on my AMD system with a GPU for years now. Last month I had a few days where the system was off and the daily average dropped to about 8,000. I got the system up and running again and kepy it running... the daily average climbed over the montht o a peak at 11,000+... and then slowly dropped over the next week to current 10,700-ish and appears to continue to drop. Why? I have been running this continuously for the past month. Why the drop?

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Grant (SSSF)
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Message 2025540 - Posted: 30 Dec 2019, 8:28:54 UTC

1 Credit New is somewhat (well completely) borked, and it does nasty things to the amount of Credit it dishes out depending on the WU, your Wingman, the application used and all sorts of other intangibles.
2 There have been all sorts of server issues over the last couple of weeks, and that has resulted in RAC for many falling like a stone, and is only now starting to recover (Although you running stock wouldn't have been affected as much as those running Anonymous platform).
3 There has been a greater mix of work over the last few weeks, and depending on what WUs you get can have a big impact on your RAC.
4 Did I mention Credit New is borked? (Yes, most of the recent drop in RAC is a result of the server issues, but still- Credit New is borked).
Darwin NT
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rob smith Crowdfunding Project Donor*Special Project $75 donorSpecial Project $250 donor
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Message 2025543 - Posted: 30 Dec 2019, 8:36:07 UTC

After the recent server issues it will take several weeks for your RAC to get back to a stable state, and then probably lower than it was before.
Bob Smith
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ID: 2025543 · Report as offensive
Profile Johann Project Donor

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Message 2028746 - Posted: 21 Jan 2020, 13:34:09 UTC

A slow rise over a month to about 11,000... then a sudden unexplained one day drop to 8,000... slow rise to 11,000 then a sudden rise to over 12,000... all the time the same computer basically running steadily.
ID: 2028746 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Number crunching : Wacky average credit computations

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