Best Bang for Buck GPU?

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Message 2032740 - Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 0:51:34 UTC

Looking to get a couple GPU's to replace the poor performing dual 1050ti's I have on one of my machines. Im really impressed with my dual 2070. Is it worth it to go the 2070 super route? Or stick with the regular 2070. Theres currently a $100 difference I can discern between the two online. I could also get another 2080ti, but the one rig I have with it in it isn't all the impressive for the actual cost of what the 2080ti goes for. Looking to spend around a grand, but can add some more if its worth it. Open to any suggestions really. I could also go with 4x 1660ti's if that would work better., but they dont seem much of a jump from the 1050ti to justify the added cost IMHO.
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Profile Tom M
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Message 2032742 - Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 1:01:03 UTC - in response to Message 2032740.  
Last modified: 17 Feb 2020, 1:05:12 UTC

Looking to get a couple GPU's to replace the poor performing dual 1050ti's I have on one of my machines. I'm really impressed with my dual 2070. Is it worth it to go the 2070 super route? Or stick with the regular 2070. There is currently a $100 difference I can discern between the two online. I could also get another 2080ti, but the one rig I have with it in it isn't all the impressive for the actual cost of what the 2080ti goes for. Looking to spend around a grand, but can add some more if it is worth it. Open to any suggestions really. I could also go with 4x 1660ti's if that would work better., but they don't seem much of a jump from the 1050ti to justify the added cost IMHO.

See if a Gtx 2060 Super a better choice? It was/is about the 2-3 best card on energy use plus it is up there just under the 2070s in terms of raw performance. And I suspect it IS cheaper...

The Super series is usually a more efficient version of the baseline model but less powerful than the "ti" model.
The Gtx 1660 Super seems to be performing as fast as my gtx 1070's do.
The P100-102's cost me $250 used but use more electricity, In performance, they seem to be slightly cut down gtx 1080ti's.

A proud member of the OFA (Old Farts Association).
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Ian&Steve C.

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Message 2032743 - Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 1:03:31 UTC - in response to Message 2032742.  

the 1660ti is a lot faster than a 1050ti. even the 1650 (non-super) is faster than a 1050ti for seti work.

buy whatever Turing card you can afford
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Message 2032759 - Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 3:38:39 UTC - in response to Message 2032742.  

Never really considered the 2060 super, ill look into that. Thanks
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Message 2032760 - Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 3:39:34 UTC - in response to Message 2032743.  

the 1660ti is a lot faster than a 1050ti. even the 1650 (non-super) is faster than a 1050ti for seti work.

buy whatever Turing card you can afford

Thanks perhaps Ill give the 1660ti a whirl
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Grant (SSSF)
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Message 2032771 - Posted: 17 Feb 2020, 5:48:05 UTC - in response to Message 2032759.  

Never really considered the 2060 super, ill look into that. Thanks
Almost (but not quite) double the output of a GTX 1070.
Darwin NT
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Message boards : Number crunching : Best Bang for Buck GPU?

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