The Maintainer Of The NVIDIA Open-Source "Nouveau" Linux Kernel Driver Resigns

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Message 2125740 - Posted: 19 Sep 2023, 14:38:08 UTC

The Maintainer Of The NVIDIA Open-Source "Nouveau" Linux Kernel Driver Resigns
Ben posted a patch resigning as the Nouveau DRM kernel driver maintainer today and commented:
"I have resigned, and will no longer be taking as active a role in nouveau development."

Skeggs posted another message confirming he is stepping away from Nouveau development:
"As you may have gathered from the MAINTAINERS patch I just sent out, I have resigned from my position at Red Hat, and will be stepping back from nouveau development.

This is a personal decision that I've been mulling over for a number of years now, and I feel that with GSP-RM greatly simplifying support of future HW, and the community being built around NVK, that things are in good hands and this is the right time for me to take some time away to explore other avenues.

I still have a personal system with an RTX 4070, which I've been using the nouveau GSP-RM code on for the past couple of weeks, so chances are I'll be poking my nose in every so often :)

I wish everyone the best, and look forward to seeing the progress you all make on nouveau in the future."
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Message boards : Number crunching : The Maintainer Of The NVIDIA Open-Source "Nouveau" Linux Kernel Driver Resigns

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